
It's been a warm but rather heavy day.... not good for butterflies. I went for a wander round the gardens in Coughton Court again and at first I thought the only fluttering friend would be the large white outside the main house.

But there were quite a few around. Only the whites were flying wildly, the others were hiding, or resting on the plants. There was a brimstone in the first garden.

In the Walled Garden I was joined by a Red Admiral with a sense of humour. It spun round my head a few times and then landed on my shoulder. I looked down at it and asked it, please, to go and land on a flower so that I could take a photo. I didn't know that Red Admirals could give disapproving looks.

I found it later, when it was resting on some roses.

The big surprise for me was to find a couple of Commas on this pink plant. This one is sharing with a bee for the time being.

The roads are extremely busy today.

And a word of warning to anyone in the Lichfield area who may be unfortunate enough to need to travel through Wall island (where the A5 meets the spur off the A38). Don't ! They've put in traffic lights as part of their "pinch point" improvements. Disastrous. They have converted an island where traffic backed up in rush hour to severe gridlock that lasts for most of the day !

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