Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner


Apparently it's hilarious.

So after no afternoon nap the boys have actually gone to bed at a respectable hour (early of anything). How long we stay asleep for is anyone's guess.
After three bad nights I was not having a fourth so put up with two mildly grumpy men from about 4:30. To be fair they've been worse when they've had a nap in the afternoon before now.

Our morning nap was over an hour and they didn't show any signs of wanting an afternoon nap.

We took our books back to the library in the morning but there was no song and rhyme time today as Jackie is on holiday but it's back next week.
We popped into the Co op to pick up a few bits and managed to forgot a few including cat food.

This afternoon the boys mostly practises walking and climbing interspersed with a bit of playing both skills have come on leaps and bounds in the last few days.

I'm taking the opportunity to have a soak in the bath since they've gone to bed. I've only managed a few quick early morning showers this week.

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