A Dog's Dinner

By G

The Great #Indyref Road Trip

...or...Making Up The Time On The A9

I've started planning for the #indyref adventure.

Well, when I say planning, I mean mulling over the idea of trying to photograph as many Polling Stations as possible on the referendum day of September the 18th.

The idea is to start early at John O'Groats and work my way south following the A9 stopping and meeting as many participants as possible and still make it back home, after 300 miles, to cast my own vote.

Alternately, I could start at the Ness at the top of the Isle of Lewis head south via Stornoway, catch the ferry at Tarbet then to Uig, Skye and from there cut across The Great Glen and back home.

It all looks doable with enough planning and scheduling and it would be a great way to commemorate the day, whatever the outcome.

I'd like to shoot in a number of formats, including film and create some sort of record.

Well that's the big idea any suggestions or kindred spirits are welcome to join me and create a network of stories.

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