Cardwell forest drive & Paronella Park
In the morning we did the forest drive. Too bad we were driving through forest plantations rather than natural forest; not what I expected on a forest drive.
We did a first lookout which had a nice view over Cardwell, the sea, and the mountains. The next stop was a nice waterfall and our last and best stop was the spa pool. Really nice blue and clear water and with the nice reflections it created a beautiful look. (This is also on the blip :))
We put on our swimming suits in the morning so we could go in the pool, but I don't know what I got into me but I walked in the water with my dress. It was rather shallow but as I started to walk further in the water, I was afraid I would slip and my whole dress would get wet. I don't know why I didn't take my dress out, as it would have been even simple in the water, but eventually I just gave up holding my dress up and let it get wet... Luckily it dried relatively quickly in the sun and having all our stuff with us in our campervan made it easy to find some other clothes :)
My boyfriend went in after me too, but he was smart enough to just go in his swim trunks ;)
After this forest drive we drove further up North towards Paronella park, which was more expensive than I expected but I guess most of the money is used to rebuild everything that is destroyed by the weather (cyclones).
José Paronella build his dream on this beautiful place, close to mena creek falls. This makes it a very beautiful, but also dangerous place as it got regularly destroyed by the water and some cyclones.
It's still incredible to hear about his story and how he really build his dream and went for it and still interesting to see the parts that are still left of the buildings!
After that we drove further to the Atherton tablelands and slept in Millaa Millaa. When we started to prepare for the evening (aka put our bed up) we realised we left our sleeping bags in Cardwell! We had put them out on the laundry line to get a bit fresher... Oooops! Luckily we could borrow some sleeping bags at the camping where we were staying!
Same as rest of the holiday. Not sure whether I took this picture or my boyfriend; I remember looking at it and wanting to take a picture though =p
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