Polly's Pictures

By PollyH

I was here first!

This oak tree was growing peacefully for many years and then the powers that be decided to build an extra shopping mall to the shopping centre. This was built round the tree, and it is no wonder it couldn't cope with all the concrete etc. Experts have tried everything to no avail and we now only have the skeleton left - such a shame.
Another foray among the blackberry bushes today and over 4lb picked. Lots more available but the weight was getting uncomfortable.
Now in the freezer with a couple of boxes reserved for NickMog!
Tomorrow I am off to the Cotswolds for two days of instructions on how to build a dry stone wall. Did a similar thing a few years ago on a commune in France.
My friend from the Green Gym is driving while I navigate tomorrow and vice versa on Sunday. (had to do a reccy today to find my way to her house - is this a bad sign!)
You do not need to try very hard to guess what the blip will be tomorrow!

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