
By TynvdB

The Gathering of the Gulls

Already before arriving at the beach, I saw an amazing amount of Gulls gathering on a sandbar. There, something interesting might be going on...After High Tide it was ebbing again. To the North a narrow sandbar had just fallen dry. An ideal forefront for a huge gathering of Gulls of all sorts and ranks. Separated from the mainland beach by waters, it was still very quiet on the Gulls Fishing Island. People would not yet cross over and spoil your Good Moments. Only that Old Lumixman over there, but he will keep the distance.

Is it clear what we are doing here? Waiting in the Here&Now? Waiting for What? For Nothing, you say? Waiting for GullyGodot? But what if we Are GullyGodot? Or waiting for the Surf to Throw Up the Delicacies of the Day? But you don’t know When the New Soup will Spillover. So while We are Waiting, we have the Hairdo&Featherpick. Or we just do the Dosylazy Bellylay. Or we chat on whatever: Have you seen, have you heard?? Such is the After HighTide Gathering of the Gulls. Seems Very Interesting, IS very interesting and on a closer look is Definitely what it seems to be: a Gathering Alltogether.

It makes you feel Comfy with all those Friends&Relatives, all the Kids, making their Begging Twitters. And that is just what you need Now&Then: sitting&staying together makes you feel good, Gullabalulliluh Fine. And if we wait in vain for the Surf Soup to show up? Nothing Special, No Problem. For Before you could even notice that something could be missing, we have hiphop flown up and on a few wingbeats we are sliding, turning over on the surfbreeze and sail towards that immense horizon, far out of reach for anyone who tries to understand our motifs, our ways of being. Our Original Way of Being Naturally Free.

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