
Time to say goodbye and set off on the next leg of my journey. The weather was wet and miserable on the drive. I diverted off to Peebles for a first time blipmeet with friedaquilter. I really enjoyed my time looking at her exhibition. The journal quilts are amazing close up and I found some of them really powerful. Wonderful detail. The exhibition is well worth a visit if anyone is in the area. We then went for lunch and a time of getting to know you. Thanks Frieda, it was great to meet you.

The weather hadn't improved, I was tired and I still had a long way to go so I decided to carry on on my journey. Something went a bit wrong at one point and I got myself a little lost in the countryside but eventually found the right direction. The journey took a lot longer than expected and the weather got worse, very dark and grey and foggy in parts. It made the driving quite tiring.

Arrived at Newbiggin-by-the-sea. Took me ages to find somewhere to eat, had to travel quite a way. Eventually found the hotel after a bit of a struggle. Not the best of locations. The one I had on Monday was great, this one leaves a lot to be desired. Still, it's only for a bed for the night. You get what you pay for (although Monday's was cheaper)!

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