Sometimes It's All a Big Surprise
I can never understand the human races' inability to gasp in astonishment at everything around them.
I am forever falling off pavements, running my bike off the bike path, and bouncing the car off kerbs simply because I am in a state of constant awe of everything around me.
I have worked in the office we are in now, for 3 years. I still turn round and squeal every time a plane takes off 400 yards from the window.
Tonight, I was clearing the dishes, and I was hanging over the sink to look out at the light reflecting off the trees and the houses across the road from the sun sinking slowly behind us.
I drove out quickly to catch the last of the light, and there were loads of folk sitting in their cars at the harbour; eating chips, snoozing, listening to music. It was only after I bounced out of the car with my camera, that their attention moved to the sky; how could you not watch this art in motion? How could you not just be moved by this beauty? How could you not look at this and not think, there is something else out there....
That thing out there, that thing that causes these phenomena.
The mother ship.
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