Happy 1000!

Firstly, happy birthday Mr PB. We have just had a delicious family birthday dinner. I love dinner times when we are all there. Sad to think that Lu won't be at our next family birthday tea - (mine). Better not dwell on that I can feel that I am welling up.

I cannot believe that I have made it to 1000 blips! When I started I thought (knowing me) that I would last 6 weeks at a push, but no here I am. What do I love about blipping? Well its the daily challenge of looking for something, always being alert - far more so than I was before blipping, about the world around me. Its colours, patterns and what is interesting. I have never kept a diary before, and I suppose this is the best way as I love taking pictures. Some of which I think are quite good, some funny, and some just of normal day to day life. The feeling of having the blip in the bag is fantastic!

Thank you to everyone for looking at my blips. I love your comments with their compassion and empathy I really do appreciate the time you take to do so. I do apologise for not being so diligent in commenting on others blips - I do look, but don't always have the time to comment.

Oh and Blip Central - you are so wonderful for putting all this together and keeping it going. You have created a beautiful Blip Family.

So Blippers it's Friday, have a fantastic weekend! Here's to the next 1000!

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