"A moment like this"

That is what was going through my head when I experienced this beautiful scene!
Staying nearby to Acadia National Park, I wanted to get up early and catch the sunrise. My husband was not as interested, too tired! so I decided to go myself to the top of Cadillac Mt. (Driving)
I was wondering how many other people might be up this early, waiting for the sunrise. I thought their May be a few. As I approached the summit, I was shocked to see the crowd in front of me! I could hardly find a parking space.
I worked my way to the spot I wanted, and turned to look behind me. I could not believe how many people were silently standing and sitting on the mountaintop to witness the "event"
Then it happened, the sun began to rise. Hundreds of us snapped pictures. In one section a small group of people softly applauded at first sight!
What a wonderful experience! I felt so happy to know that I wasn't as "crazy" as my husband thought I was!

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