Splish, Splash.....
......I was taking a bath!
Luckily u-tube is not working at present so I'm unable to link to the song but I thoroughly enjoyed watching this small dumpy duck with the yellow beady eye taking a bath this morning, he was really getting into it perhaps getting ready for a female rendezvous, well it is spring.
The New Zealand Scaup are our smallest ducks. Widespread throughout both islands and located in wetlands and lakes. Scaups are sociable birds, non-aggressive in behaviour making soft, musical chittering sounds and a series of muted whistles from males. They have dark glossy bodies with the male having the yellow eye and females more modest with their button-brown eyes. Very efficient diving skills, being able to dive as deeply as 2 metres and maintain these depths while feeding by paddling their feet. The dives may last from 15-40 seconds. They are protected and endemic and always very cute.
Lovely to spend some time by the lakes on this wonderful spring day. The air a little chilly, loads of sun but very wet underfoot from yesterday's rain.
Hope your all having a great weekend :)
Scientific name: Aythya novaeseelandiae
Common name: New Zealand Scaup
Maori name: Papango
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