Book of a Million Facts
When I was quite young, let's say back in the 50's, I loved this book. I don't know how old it is as the cover is missing but it was pretty ancient then.
It is called "The Book of a Million Facts" and it has information on everything you can imagine: history, geography, dictionary, law, cooking, the 'up to date home handyman' and, my favourite, medicine. I used to pour over awful ailments and even worse sounding treatments. Some things in the recipe section don't sound much better.
I'd love to be able to quote half the book, but to keep it relevant here are a few excerpts from the photography section.
The world is crowded with things calling to be photographed when a man first goes forth with a camera. Indeed he is so overwhelmed with the thousand and one things to take that he frequently returns with only half his films exposed.
First of all, the man with the camera should ask himself what class of subject naturally interests him......
.....having found his world of immediate interest, the question of selection becomes less difficult; particularly if he will follow the same principle on which he narrowed the countless wonders of the universe to those which filled the orbit of his own mind.
Every picture that is worthwhile arouses some feeling; wonder or sorrow, peace or joy, fear or distress, or any one of the many emotions which move the human heart.
To know what to look for is half the secret; to look and wait, until from the prospect some feeling is roused, some impression is created, is to be far on the way to picture-finding.
So there you are Blippers - no more excuses :-)
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