All the books.
They tell a story.
But what story ?

Deep interests.
Questions shaping a life, a career.

I recall the poet William Blake's counsel.
He said we love in "concrete particulars".
We remember others that way.
Moments shared together.
Glances into another's world.
A specific book or a poem that helps to remember.

Two books by Robert Coles found here.
Berger's "Sociology: A Biographical Approach",
(text used in my early teaching circa 1975).
Objects of my mother's saved.
Her plague about friendship.
She had so many friends.
Hundreds of people came to say their good byes.
A small crucifix saved from my parents room.
All the work related books (now no longer needed)
The books on philosophy and religion and poetry.
Travel books.
Art and photography books.
Italian tapes bought for MA.

Now, the task ahead is clear.
Letting go.
Traveling lightly.
Bare attention.
Pure seeing.

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