Big sand pit

Last week Charlotte told me she wanted to go to the beach, why not I thought, today we went to the beach.

Having gone to bed at 7pm (unintentionally when I was putting Wom to bed) I woke up around 6am feeling considerably better than I had done 11 hours earlier.

Got to the seaside around 10:30. Played on the beach for an hour, Charlotte also went on a Thomas train being pulled by donkeys which she thought was fab. We went on the reasonably big wheel that is on the seafront and gives you a super view of the whole of Weston seafront, followed by lunch at the pub we went to the last time we went to Weston as we knew they had decent baby change.

A stroll on the pier followed (did you know it's £1 to go on the pier?) Charlotte was so excited by all the ride on toys. We let her go on two today as it was a special treat day. Wom crashed in the maclaren, after lunch, I had forgotten how good this was for sleeping babies, add into this the umbrella hood and it's really cool - shame it's utterly rubbish on sand (the cause of our only cross words today :( )

Got home just after tea time, Charlotte didn't sleep at all coming home, but had slept most of the way there. Wom shouted lots when we were down to 10mph, but as soon as we got speed up again he was fine.

Thank you Lee, Charlotte and Wom for a lovely day
Love Mummy xxx

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