
By dwalletta

Romantic Dalliances

The lads had spent the day on the tiles, and were headed for a night of emotional sharing, hugging and extensive high-fiving.

Song (as promised)

At the other end of town, I met an old friend whose behaviour consistently shocks even me. She gave me permission to tell this story, so long as I didn't use her real name. So let's just call her Ann (because her real name has an 'e' on the end).

A few years back, when already a middle-aged woman who should have known better, she had a brief fling with a much younger man. A one-night fling. I tried to find out just how much younger, but she was cagey. Eventually, I asked if he was at least legal. She looked me solemnly in the eye, and said 'I do sincerely hope so'.

The epilogue is that a year or so later she was watching TV when Made in Chelsea came on. She was about to switch off, when she recognised one of the characters. Her very young man is now one of the stars.

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