Looking Forward...

By Fiono

Tinguely Museum

My parents and sister are back in town after exploring Bern, Lucerne and other parts of Switzerland while I worked during the week. Today we went to the Tinguely museum which displays a large collection of work by Basel-born Jean Tinguely. I'm no art expert and to be honest I had not heard of him until I saw the famous moving fountain in Basel (to be featured another day) but it seems he was a pretty popular post-war artist.

A lot of the works featured recycled items and are kinetic in nature - they move and make noise! This is a photo of "Méta-Harmonie II", a maze of wires and cogs and musical instruments which when switched on creates unpredictable music. I spotted a piano, two miniature keyboards, cymbals, drums, gongs, all playing at random. There were similar dynamic pieces made of metal, so although it was interesting to go to, it's not the best place to go if you have a headache!

Afterwards we walked along the Rhine in the sun, did a little shopping, enjoyed a lovely (albeit pricey) dinner in the old town and then I took advantage of watching Doctor Who on their hotel TV before heading home in the evening.

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