walking in the city

By inthecity


Happy St. Valentine's Day to all you lovers out there, young and old. My deepest hope is that you show your affection and respect every day of the year, not just because, as my friend says, "there are pink frilly things in all the shop windows."

Blipfoto is not normally my venue for maudlin self-disclosure, but St V is a wee bit sore for me this year. I'm recently a single girl again after 5+ years of dating the awesomest lady in all the land. Not only was she double- triple-take pretty, but also brave and altogether peace-lovin'; my sweet penthouse princess and many-a-time my hero*.

We never had much money but we always had adventures. Strolls on the boardwalk, picnics at Ashbridges Bay, or smoking a little mj in Taylor Creek Park, were par for the course with us. I believe I'm the luckiest girl ever.

I'm not looking for commiserations, or to dole out explanations. We ended it like we started it--in deep respect and total awesomeness. The two years I lived in Montreal were harder on her than she'll ever admit, and I can't guarantee I'll live in this city after next year. Plus she's now on a journey of Self where I simply can't follow.

Okay, that's about maximum maudlin-ness (maudlinicity?) for a single blip. I'll miss possibly the most spectacular view of the city, among countless other delights. Alas, we'll cross paths again after a few quiet seasons--hearts being tender and all that--and today I simply raise this mug of slightly-too-sweet chai and salute good good honest love. I hope you, like I did, find it in your lifetime.

* I don't know why, but seeing two girlie-girls together sends certain types of men into aggressive-gotta-prove-something mode. It made public displays of affection actually dangerous for us when not on occasional martini dates in the gaybourhood.

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