I'm so delighted. I found this message somewhere in the deep recesses of my Facebook page last night.
We were really good friends in the Far East in my mid-teenage years. She came from a large bohemian family who lived abroad, god-daughter to famous luminaries of stage and publishing. Later she came to drama school in London and spent a lot of time with me and my family in Surrey until our early 20s. Together we got into all sorts of scrapes but miraculously never got into serious trouble (two 15-year old girls in 1967 exploring Singapore's Bugis Street in the small hours of the morning, for example. Don't tell my Mum, I never have.)
She went back home in the early 70s and did quite a bit of travelling, and then I heard through other people that she had been badly injured in a car crash in which several members of her family had been killed. I tried every way I could for a couple of years to track her down and eventually gave up, thinking the worst.
And here she is! I'm really thrilled.
And she lives in Hawaii!
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