The Wild Wild West

By Beedoesthis

We broke the law.

Saturday was a day to finally clean the home and shop and do a whole host of other things. The scarlet goddess was taken back to the dealer to have a couple of niggly bits sorted, and then I did the cycle home (loving how easily the bike fits in the back of the car!)

I remember when cycling was FUN. My Dawes Kingpin (Bixie), my best friend and I would spend ALL DAY out on our bikes, just doing the sort of things kids do. The first thing I said to the girl who became my best friend in fact, was, 'do you have a bicycle?'

But now it just seems like hard work. The saddle hurts, I don't understand gears, the hand position is wrong. Maybe I need to go back to the sorry of bikes we had when I was out in Japan, the sort with a basket on the front that you just rode from shop to shop, from izakaya to izakaya. Maybe these modern ones fandangled ones are just too COMPLICATED.

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