As my mood grabs me...

By AlisonM


I decided to get the SplashArt kit out today - it's been a while. Unfortunately the valve was all blocked up so it took a while to unbung it but happily I did finally get it working properly. I'm not quite sure how to stop that happening - I'll figure something out.

The results weren't fab but good enough for today.

In other news - a potter round town this morning for the sake of it and a marathon session in the garden pulling up stuff, getting stung and spiked by various plants and in the end had to stop as I'd filled up the brown bin. Plus one shrub that needs to come out is too tough for my secateurs so I shall have to sort out something else to attack that with.

Aside from two loads of laundry I've nothing else of note to add to my day. I've achieved enough I think.

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