Their mums would have a fit ...

Look, no hands!

These two daredevil stunt riders entertained the crowds at Romiley's annual "Young Farmers' Show". The organisers must have been delighted with the turnout on such a lovely sunny day. In past years the show has been blighted by bad weather and one year had to be cancelled altogether at great financial loss to all concerned. However, for the past 3 years it has been blessed with gorgeous sunshine and the crowds have flocked to the event.

I was there to represent the Camera Club and I had taken along a display of photos, in the hopes of attracting new members to join the club.
Belinda joined me; it was the first time she'd ever been to a show of this type. She quickly got into 'country-girl' mode and was pictured holding, first of all an owl and then a ferret.
"Mmm, nice perfume Bee, Essence of Ferret?

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