Ant's thought of the day.

By SaintAnt76

Me and the cool Kats

We took the kids to Marwell today for a morning walk around the zoological park and I took this shot of the MeerKats with my SLR camera, it was nice to use a real camera for a change. I took some nice shots of the kids and Pegs and it was wonderful to see them have some real family fun.

My thought tonight reflects on the last time we all went to Marwell. It was a very different time where my life was in a bad place, I was unsure about things happening with work, I had recently lost my Mum and was put in a position where I had to reflect on many important things. It has taken a while for me to figure out where I was in my life and to then start to get back to where I should be as a person and where we were as a family. Going back today was a little difficult at first because it brought back memories of the past and little things reminded me of those difficult times. However, it soon became apparent that my life had changed for the better. Peggy, the kids and I had fun, laughed and smiled again.

It's time to move things forward and try not to look back at a period in my life I want to forget. Letting go of the things that have happened helps clear the mind, body and soul.

Thanks Peggy, Fleur and Luca for helping me to 'forget' today, I can't wait to go back to Marwell. I love you three so much, the Meerkat image is for my cool Kats.

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