Crazy Fireweed!
I have such a love/hate relationship with the process of trying to decide which image i like best! it is sometimes so time related right! which i guess is why the creative aspect of making this decision can be agony and can be ecstasy!
i love watching as the fireweed transitions to this very ethereal state....and it is only at a certain moment in the day, when the light is low, that you get such wonderfully abstract images - after spending a few hours in the afternoon, trimming pots etc, i took a deliberate 'blip' walk and had a very lovely time. so often at this time of year it is not on my agenda...too tired at the end of the day...but things are slowing down a wee bit!
we had a lovely gathering of 6 of us this morning for meditation then brunch! i love how it all comes together with the pot luck attitude! we had a fabulous pasta dish with all sorts of very fresh items from the garden and just the right amount of time spent socializing!
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