Golden Gate Bridge from Fort Point

This is not the ultimate selfie. It would have been but a kind person took it for us.

Another great day. We hired bikes and cycled along the San Francisco waterfront towards the Golden Gate Bridge. Then the highlight - cycling across the bridge and continuing on to Sausalito where we caught a ferry back to Fisherman's Wharf.

That makes 4 world famous bridges we've cycled over; Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges in New York, Tower Bridge in London. Now the Golden Gate. Where next?

Today's breakfast was at Lori's Diner at 500 Sutter Street just one block down the street. A realistic 1950s style American Diner which served up a good, filling breakfast.

Then it was on the No. 30 trolley bus to Fisherman's Wharf to pick up the bikes. Only it was a 20 minute wait owning to a traffic accident along the route. But we got there in the end. And back on the trolley after the ride.

Difficult to decide where to go for dinner, in the end we returned to Lori's where we didn't have such a great experience as in the morning. My burger and fries were cold and Susan's coffee cup had lipstick on it. But the servers dealt with the issues with commendable grace and everything was fine in the end.

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