The Ossuary of Douaumont

The sat nav 'decided' to take a detour and when stopping to check the route we couldn't believe this building on the left. We did a quick photo shoot (hmnnnn) and added as another site to visit on a specific WW1 tour sometime in the future.

From the internet:
This Ossuary of Douaumont, symbol of the battlefield of Verdun, is a private building, founded by the bishop of Verdun Monseigneur Ginisty with the help of General Valentin and Madame de Polignac, war widow, to give a tomb to the non-identified soldiers fallen on the battlefield.

The building started in 1920 and the monument was unveiled in 1932. The shields on the façade remind of the city’s donations, which helped with the building of the monument.

With a length of 137 meters, the cloister holds tombs in pink granite. They contain the bones collected in the 36 sectors of the battlefield.

After the visit of the cloister do not miss the projection of the film “Verdun des hommes de boue” (Verdun, the men of mud), which retraces the battle and benefit from a unique view over the battlefield by climbing up the tower. 46 meters high, it symbolizes the handle of a sword, which is stuck into the ground as far as to the cross-guard, represented by the two wings of the monument, as a demonstration of eternal peace.

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