First day at big school

3 weeks after his 4th birthday and our boy starts school.
Doesn't he look smart?
He was brilliant. Went straight in with no bother at all, greeted by one of the teaching assistants after we'd found his peg and hung up his coat and bag. She introduced herself and then took his hand and off they went to meet his class. They all had 3 half days to get to know each other last week but he didn't seem to notice any different!

I had a rather fretful day, worrying about whether he was making friends, as mums do. Couldn't wait to pick him up at 3.15, so it was lovely to have him come bounding out with a big smile on his face, a school bag packed full of 'stuff' he'd been making (a camera and some ice lollies) and a 'lunchtime award' sticker emblazoned on his chest for having eaten all his dinner (pasta and heart shaped biscuit for pudding, in case you wondered)

All in all, a success i would say. Phew! Big relief. He's happy enough to go back again tomorrow. Let's see how long til the novelty wears off!

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