The State I Am In

By Shuji


I got up at 4:30 in order to enter Auschwitz Museum free since the entrance fee is free if you enter by 10 o'clock. We took a train, which was quite slow as usual. To cut a long story short, I didn't get shocked as much as my acquaintance's story. However, I got shocked when I saw pictures, gas chambers, ponds for ashes, and so forth. I cannot imagine what happened even though I looked around them. And what was the smell like burnt at Birkenau? Did it smell the same 70 years ago? Anyway, it was a boiling hot day and walking made me exhausted. Sadly, today was the last day with the German girl whom I travelled together for almost one week.

25th April, 2015
The extra photo is of the notorious slogan "Arbeit Macht Frei", which means "Work Makes Free".

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