Mummy on a Mission

By ECameron12309

Plan B?

First morning of work and school runs from the new house. All good. Only 15 minutes from door to school chuck out point for Munchkin 1, but too long to wait to drop off Little Miss E. So we swung by the old house to run around in the empty house and pop a few more bits in the car for later. New drop off time from tomorrow so that should work better.

Escaped the hullabaloo of unpacking tonight and opted for camera club instead. Tonight's bill should have been a talk in street photography but sadly the guest speaker has to rearrange so ... an impromptu Plan B if various items including viewing one members website and acceptances and winners for a local Salon. An interesting theme prevailed throughout some of the submissions which weren't really my cup of tea.

Another week without full internet, so still relying on tethering my phone. Normal service I promise will resume then.


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