I know - it's a swan blip. My excuse is that I liked the light reflecting on the water - and whether it was a swan, a duck, a coot or even a crocodile was incidental - as it was the light reflecting on the water I liked.
Spent a fair bit of the day working trying to catch up following some IT glitches during the week. There was a lengthy session of critical discourse (gossip) over the phone with a friend as part of the procrastination process and then general lethargy set in so a walk was needed. Off to Big Pond Community 2 just to see the light reflecting on the water in the evening.
Can you believe my surprise when I bumped into the swan family. Can you believe my amazement when I saw the swan family gliding across the water. Can you believe it! I then felt honour bound to include one of the swans in the blip. Apparently having a focus/focal point is good in a photograph. The feature (swan) captures a persons attention and enhances the light reflecting on the water ...
n.b. Blip taken on Sunday evening - not added until Monday evening. Realised I had forgotten to blip on Saturday so could be heading back to LB (lackadaisical blipping). Just found the origami swan I made so might try to see if it will float on BPC1 during the week as part of A Blipmotivation Course.
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