Marquicks by the Sea

By KarenMarquick

First Day of School

Monday was the first day of school for Oliver and Isabella.

Oliver started in reception class and Isabella had her first session in the pre-school.

Given that Oliver was in the pre-school last year, the transition to reception has been very smooth for him. The only real difference is that he stays at school all day and has a hot lunch. As expected he was fine when I dropped him off to his new classroom and when I picked him up in the afternoon he came out of class full of confidence and excited to tell me about his day.

Isabella was pleased to be wearing the same uniform as Oliver and couldn't wait to show everyone her pretty pinafore dress. She had accompanied me to pre-school last year to drop off and collect Oliver, so for her the classroom was a familiar place and the teachers friendly faces that she remembered. She didn't cry when I left her and when I picked her up after her morning session she waved as soon as she saw me and beamed a smile so big I knew she had enjoyed her day.

A successful start to school for both.

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