
By Grimsayer

Carved menhir

Farewells were taken of Tricia's cousin and husband (and dog and bantams and ducks and sheep) and off we set aiming for the Museum Fenaille in Rodez. A slightly disappointing detour to Aurillac followed by some stunning scenery north of Rodez brought us into town. A town that I have driven past many times on the way to a pick up at the airport and always written off as Bracknellesque - and things don't get worse than that. Therefore we were pleasantly surprised by the centre of town.
Wearing my archaeological hat, I'd been wanting to see some of the carved menhirs for a long time and the Museum Fenaille has the best collection in the world. This one is the star one, although several others were as impressive. Carved between 4500 and 5200 years ago, they still impress - me at least. The back of the stones are also carved and they stand about and metre and a half tall. Sadly the furthest north one has been found is Germany and so the Western Isles are not looking a good bet.
Leaving Rodez we struggled with a campsite again but ended up on a Camping a la Ferme a few miles north of Severac-le-Chateau. A good spot with the only other occupants being a group of horse riders setting off on a week's promenade.
Dinner was had with all in the owner's house and everything provided was produced by them. An excellent meal and as good as any we have had. I'd
forgotten how good lamb can taste.

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