Merryn :)

Day didn't start well as Melody (whose taken to eating Allen muesli for brekky) got a nut in her mouth (not keen) and she spat it on the floor.. I shouted at her :(
I wasn't happy - but less happy with myself

We both apologised - shame as Melody was so cute and when I was in the garden first thing, she poured out both of our muesli and announced so proudly she'd made us both brekky!

9.30 had merryn for 1/2 day - she was so good - enjoyed books with melody and bubbles in the garden - we a went to tiny tunes (merryn slept! Until the drums came out)

I dropped merryn off to Mandy at work and went for HD brows - then we went to the park and ate our packed lunch - melody had lots of goes on swings and equipment before headed off to nursery

Met the new pre school teacher - explained how the day will run - bit more structured to prep for school but still loads of free play

Morrisson and cooking - just about to chill for the first time and mike home - so then the evening routine started..

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