Looking up...

By tralala

Just out of reach

I apologise in advance for the following subject matter!

My husband was finishing late today so couldn't pick up our daughter so I left work early and went to get her. We picked up the dog and headed straight for the park, where we had a lovely time - until it all went pear-shaped.

Nancy and I were picking blackberries and took our eye off the ball dog-wise. She slipped into the next-door field and rolled in a very fresh cow pat. She was absolutely covered from head to tail.

She then brushed past Nancy and got it on her arm and school dress. I decided to abandon the car and walk the rest of the way home because I didn't think we could stand the smell in a confined space - and I wanted to save my car!

On the way home the dog did a poo which I picked up with a bag but put my finger through it. Yuck! Nancy piped up "so mummy, now we've all got poo on us - Hattie's got poo all over her, I've got poo on my arm, and you've got poo on your finger!" I replied "yes thank you Nancy, that's very well observed".

I got Nancy and I cleaned up and the dog was confined to the garden until my husband got home and helped me bath her. She hates the bath but I'm afraid if you play, you pay!

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