Mel Taylor

By MelT

A loved one....

Today I said goodbye to my beloved pony Buttons as he went off to his new loan home... he will love it there and the girls met him for the first time today, rode him so nicely and are already in love with him. I shed a few tears as he left.. softie that I am! He has arrived safely at his destination and I will visit in a few weeks.

I was walking the dogs today and Tilly another of my beloved animals (aged 14) was tearing around... she always sounds like she will have heart failure when she stops... It occured to me that I didnt have any studio shots of her. She is not usually that willing.... I did get some nice ones but I had to enlist the help of hubby and a biscuit.... I couldn't resist posting this one..

Not sure shooting her on white is a good idea, exagerates how skinny she has got... best viewed large.

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