Homeward bound . . .

. . . After our adventures? Here's a quick diary of our real weekend.

Friday: after a quick lesson on how to drive the boat and river politics, we were released onto the Broads from Stalham. After a lovely trip down the river Ant (no sign of Dec?) we moored at Ludham bridge and headed off to the Dog Inn for tea.

Saturday : we had to take the top canopy off to get under the bridge, which turned into a stressful event itself as a convoy of boats were coming the other way! leaving us treading water, which is surprisingly difficult!!

We did then spend the afternoon on a island just past Horning, before heading to Wroxham and finally back to Horning (too late) where we just managed to moor outside the Ferry pub, against another hire boat!

Sunday: Benets monastery was interesting, then Thurle which was up a little "straite?" Then following last nights mooring panic we headed to The Womack and got settled by 3-00pm ish.

Spent an entertaining afternoon watching hire boats trying to moor up stern first with a strong drift, wooden yachts one side and half million pound privately owned cruisers the other!! Owners would pop out red faced and flustered whenever they got too close, which just made them worse!! Such fun!!!

Monday : up and off with the early morning mist and sunrise (loads of photos) and off to Sherringham for the day.

The children seem to have coped in our absence? Although little snippets keep coming out . . drip . . drip . . .

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