
By Nigel

Mission Control

The landlord replaced the failing washing machine at last, it has an LED panel! Not wholly sure how it works as it has none of the standard wash cycle icons on it, and as yet I can find white cottons but not coloured cottons. It has a manual though so all will become clear.

Another long day, an interview at lunchtime (despite having a verbal offer I am still keeping my options open). Jen became stuck at work waiting for a possible appearance by the new CEO which never materialised and I was pretty much on the way to bed by the time it was all over.

My brain is pure mince most of the time these days, I can't wait for ll the talking to stop, I cannot count the number of times that I have had to recite my potted history or go over my reasons for wanting a new job. I will be so glad when it is all over.

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