First day....

Today my heart broke a little. My baby boy started school. He's all of 4 years and three weeks old. I seemed ready, not sure I was!

When I went to collect him there was nothing to report aside from pear and milk for snack, so all in all I think it went OK. We stopped in the park as usual on the way home and everything was dandy until he managed to mega bash his forehead on a gate on the way home. Instant egg sized bump and hysterical crying. I then had to carry him back whist pushing the buggy. He was ok after a ice pack, calpol and some minstrels....

ION the new dishwasher is in and working. This pleases me.

Might (might) of had a break through with E. Stuck to the no night feeds between 10 and 5 again and today she napped and ate well. Better than she has for ages......

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