
By BananaInPyjamas

Goosey goosey gander

I had two frees in the middle of the day, which was annoying since I had no homework to do (which I was very surprised about!!)! :) So I started to read 'Son of Hamas'!! It was very good! :)

After school, I caught the bus to church! Since my Mum, Sam, James and Julie were all there repainting the fence! It took so long to get to church, I had finished the book by the time I arrived there! I had a very yummy dominos pizza when I arrived. Sarah came up, had a bit of the pizza and then Sam put Grace's bit of pizza in my cup of water!!
Grace came up a little bit later and tried the soggy pizza!

We didn't actually do any painting because there wasn't enough paintbrushes! :) So I read a book and sang in the hall with james (guitar), Sam (piano), and Grace! :)

Went to bed early! :)

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