
By wrtscotland


Lazy Blip today as got this picture off the internet

Had a meeting today where I was introduced to DISC profiling.
This apparently is a management tool used to determine the type of manager or worker that you are by the way you work. I had never heard of it before and proved quite interesting.

My manager shared her profile results with us and after reading the descriptions in the picture we could guess where she would score high.

Very interested in doing one for myself.

Afternoon seen me taking a trip into Glasgow city centre for a meeting about the Dragons Glen business exercise I am working on with a team of people from my work. Its all in aid of helping Children 1st charity.
Same idea as TV's Dragons Den we pitch to business people and need sound finance and business models. Oh and a good idea.
The aim take the investment of £500 and turn it into as much as possible, last years winners had just over £22,000 after the 5 month time period.

Should have been out running tonight for my training plan but had no motivation. This week has seen zero running which isn't good.

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