
By WeeDragon_J

Bad Day but ...

It was a beautiful sunny day in Edinburgh Meadows today, but I was feeling awful at the Drs, head full of negative crap yeuch!

Came home and curled up, awoken by another of those scam calls, gggrrr!

Evening dinner and I'm looking at an orange sun, but no enthusiasm, nope, gggrrr squared!

Mum phones me, stressed to keep the 'I'm fine' voice on, but did cheer up a wee bit.

It's dark, help what to Blip? Search the kitchen time ;-)

Here is a bit of the side of the Swedish The Original Oatly! Drink I use instead of milk. This Blip statement "everything below is true" on the side just made me think of the RUBBISH that's on the TV news, in the papers and on the radio about a said event next week claiming to be the truth and not at all spinned gobbledegook.

Anyway, on later inspection of actually reading the blurb below, at the end:

"Also, Swedes are better than Finns at ice hockey unless this package is being sold in Finland and then it should be the other way around."

The Scandinavians humour to each other, does make me smile :-) made me read the rest too!

Does this mean that Scotland is better at ice hockey than Sweden and Finland as it's sold here too?

Hope this brings you a :o) too.

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