Old Town Hall, Standdaarbuiten

Quite a mouthful, isn't it? ... Stand-daar-buy-ten ... ugh! I can pronounce it but all the consonants together can produce a garbled effect.

Discovered this purely by accident this morning when the road repair squad decided to do what must have been urgent work on the provincial road leading to the access to the A17. Thought I could use a detour through Standdaar-buiten but found myself at a dead end at one point. Turned around again and made a small detour because of a one-way street and came upon a broad square facing the local church and this little building on one side. I ended up exiting Standdaarwhatever and reaching the highway from another exit much further south.

Funny how tiny village town halls used to be! Standdaarbuiten is no longer an independent municipality but is now part of that much bigger area called Moerdijk, a vast expanse from our place all the way to the famous Moerdijk Bridge on the A16.

Did not shoot this this morning, though, due to lack of time and the fact that my mind is on one single track when I'm on my way to work and have to beat rush hour traffic. The detour cost me almost 10 dreadful minutes. On my way home, however, of course, more time and so I passed by again. It's not spectacular but has a simple charm of its own. At least, I think so.

I can't help it ... but meeting Maura yesterday was a BLAST! Thanks, Maura and Connie, for that fab treat!

And to think I'm not even a social person ...

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