Self portrait in sand

Went to the beach this morning. After a sad farewell to Daddy and an interminable time getting ready, we took the bus to Portobello. Baby slept and I sang songs with Mummy. Then we went on the beach and played. I had to be careful because it was dirty with dog poo and other stuff., and my scooter wouldn't work so I had to carry it Mummy and I did some drawing of faces. This one is me. We didn't go in the sea as the stream was not pleasant bit we enjoyed the beach. We ate our picnic then we went to the playpark. We played in the sand, on the swings, with the ball and on the climbing frame. After nappy changes we had a wee nap in the buggy. I woke up in a bad mood, too tired to scoot and Mummy refused to carry me, so we went home.

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