
Mixed feelings with this blip. These are some of my 5th, 6th, and 7th grade report cards, years 1963 – 1966. What I found with these reports, as if I didn’t already know, is that I was a complete slacker in school. I even had 4s (equivalent to Ds today) in English, for God’s sake. What was wrong with me? I am no D student today, even though I’m retired. So much to write about, to investigate on this front, and that’s why I have these old records out.

The writing I’m working on deals with keeping the wonder and awe-factor in schools. It is a big task, but I am sorting it out, and part of that is sorting out my own sordid academic history. How did I go from that record to a fairly successful English teacher? Maybe I’ll get some answers. I’ll give you more details in this writing process along the way.

One of the tasks I’ve assigned myself is finding those teachers who inspire students into that world of curiosity and wonder, who lead them into the role as a learner for life. I’ve heard from one of you already on this subject – thank you…you know who you are :) If you know of a teacher in your neck of the woods who fits this description, who students clamor to get into her or his class, where students learn about the subject and themselves, please let me know. I would love to interview them. If so, please email me at, and we’ll get them into this book. If you have any information as to what was wrong with me in the 1960s and 1970s, I’d like that information as well.

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