Mystery Readers International

This is Janet Rudolph, editor of the crime writing magazine Mystery Readers International. She hosts regular "at home" events in the living room of her house which sits perched on a hilltop in Berkeley, California. Top authors in the genre are invited to speak to a select group of invited guests. I have done the "at home" before, so it was an honour to be invited back last night to speak to around 30 invitees. Most had already managed to acquire and read the whole trilogy, and Janet, who is a fantastic supporter of my books, had also managed to get hold of "Hebrides" and "Entry Island". We had a great night with wine and nibbles, and my only disappointment was that I was unable to Blip the most amazing view of the Bay Area as seen from the top of her hill. Mist and the setting sun made it possible :(. I was, however, very happy to be able to snatch this one of Janet.

Tonight we are in Sacramento, and tomorrow I fly to LA to record a piece for NPR (national public radio), and a guest slot on Craig Ferguson's Late, Late Show.

Earlier in the day I received news that Entry Island was No.2 in the French chart of bestselling crime books, along with the revelation that all the books of the trilogy were in the top 20.

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