Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

I think Victor's going to watch the air display...

... its the Battle of Britain air display today and Victor Hugo has a great view from Candie Gardens; though he would have an even better view form the glass room at the top of his house where he did a lot of his writing while in Guernsey.

He is standing just a couple of yards away from my favourite tree of all time so expect to see photographs of it in the future but meanwhile here is a taster.

I've just had a phone call from my doctor to tell me that Enbrel has been added to my regular prescriptions. Those (like PaulineW) that understand Enbrel will appreciate how happy and relieved that makes me feel.

On Saturday there is a Photomarathon. You have to take 12 photographs of set subjects in 6 hours with a disposable camera. Its years since I've used a film camera and even more years since I've used one where you have to wind the film on manually. I wouldn't be at all surprised if I get all 12 photograph stacked.... I don't know whether any other Guernsey blippers will take part but I should think they would do a lot better than I expect to ;-))

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