In My Dreams I Have a Plan...

If I got me a wealthy man
I wouldn't have to work at all, I'd fool around and have a ball

I really, really want to fool around and have a ball. So any wealthy men out there......

This is the reason I have feet that feel like they have walked over hot coals.
This is the reason my legs are aching so much that I don't know what to do with them.
This is the reason I am hot and sticky and need a shower.
This is the reason I am yawning and it is only half past six.
This is the reason I need a good back massage.
This is the reason I am missing the black pudding throwing contest on Sunday.

.......and it still isn't enough, sigh!

I walked down to the writing group and was able to stay for the first hour before going to the teashop. They waffled a bit, I read out my half finished piece and then it was time for me to leave so I didn't have time to hear anyone else's stuff.

I am going to the Woman's Weekly workshops tomorrow at Event City. I also have a one to one session with Della Galton in which I have to have a short story for her to read and critique. I was going to write one specially but I just haven't been inspired and so I will have to take one I've done already. I think I will be doing some typing up tonight...sigh.

It was busy in the teashop and when Olivia went home feeling ill (questionable) I said I would stay on until the bitter end....think of the money, think of the money, think of the money....and now I am absolutely bushed!

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