Mummy on a Mission

By ECameron12309

The Park ....

...has a signal! Little Miss E and I also had it all to ourselves this afternoon. We even went on the swings side by side for the first time after I made sure she was high enough. It was lovely.

Still unpacking. As we seem to have less places to hide our boxes and accumulated STUFF, little Miss E and I took a trip to the blue and white land of economical storage solutions to rectify the situation. I did rather well and managed to squeeze it it to our economical little run around.

While in the shop, we lost Flop. No panic this time. However I had to follow the mind bending arrows backwards. We found him, chatting to a rabbit on a display bed in the children's section!

So...the only thing to do was to go to the Flop Shop afterwards (which just happened to be in the same Bristolian retail park) and purchase another Flop who was remarkably white and well stitched.

Night all as I'm standing outside my house in the hope if retaining my 3G signal so as not to miss a days Blip freezing my bahookie off.


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