Thursday Ballet

4years 325days

She was a sad girl to be parted from her monkey this morning. She eventually agreed to put him in the other car seat in the car as I was going to be driving to pick her up today. She was cross that it had to be school before ballet, she wanted to go to ballet first! She took a wee encouraging to go into school. She wasnt sad, she wasnt panicky. She just wasnt walking in! But she had a reasonable day. She went to her first assembly today. She said she didnt like it. She didnt know the songs. The lady who was talking was talking to them about "scary things behind doors". She said everything was good at school today "expect" for assembly. She said they learnt "Yellow Submarine" today. I like that she's getting a musical education- even if she's not yet feeling she's getting educated beyond that! She was cross that it took two days to differentiate between the A sound and the a sound. She liked her lunch and played outside for lots of the day. She hurt her arm "but didnt get a cuddle from anyone until she saw Lydia in her playground". She got a ginormous mama cuddle the second she was out though!

We headed straight to ballet after school. She twirled and pranced around the main studio before her lesson in one of the upstairs studios. She had fun in class - they're working on their exam work now. She played in the third studio a while after class before having a rehearsal of her solo for the first time in a few weeks. She did really well, doing it in front of several people for the first time since it was set. I let her choose a little treat after class. She asked if we could get ice cream. One  choc ice later, she fell asleep in her car seat.

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