The Little Lyle Files

By kevinwatters

Taking it easy?

This is my first blip since my surgery for bowel cancer. The surgery went well and the tumour has been removed with a section of my bowel and then reconnected. To allow the new joint to heal properly without risk of leakage, a temporary ileostomy was created, which means that I have to wear a bag attached to my abdomen to collect body waste. Sounds woful but I am surprised at how easily I have adapted to it. As with any major surgery, it has made my body extremely weak and I have very little energy but that is already improving through taking light exercise.

I got a call today from the colorectal specialist nurse who asked how I was getting on and was I walking. I responded positively but when she said how much walking are you doing, e.g. are you going shopping or such like, I said that I had only really been walking close to home and out at garden centres. To gauge how much I was doing, she asked am I doing 5-10 minute spells or half an hour. Knowing that I have been repeatedly warned to take it easy, I saw this as something of a trick question and I proudly pronounced that it was closer to the 5-10 minute range. Talk about mixed messages, as she said I need to be building up to longer walks, as if I had been slacking. She suggested trying 7 minutes today and then 10 minutes tomorrow, etc. Well this is music to my ears as I feel that I have been held back by the advice and could do more.

So this afternoon, we went out to Wrest Park to give the kids the chance to have a run around and let of some steam. I knew that I would have to do just a little bit of the walk but in the end I walked for over an hour with only a ten minute sit down in the middle. And she said build up to 7 minutes today …..

Onward and upward at a sensible pace I say.

Back-blipped on 11th September 2014

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