
These little white tents have popped up all along George Street. Are they posh smoking shelters??? Are they leftovers from the festival?

Seems they have planning permission to be here for a year.. They are extensions to all the restaurants in George Street. Now, we have had some GLORIOUS weather and eating 'al fresco' (albeit in a white tent') has it's appeal. But will it have the same appeal when the East Coast slanty rain is lashing down?? How do they get the plates from the kitchen?? Under an umbrella?

We shall see.

The light is idyllic at this time, 19 degrees today. Set to stay for at least another week. But don't take off your Semmit yet.

Scotland looks beautiful on the BBC News when the upcoming referendum is covered. Viewers will think it's always like this...

...come back in October - the only people who will dally outside will be the real smokers!

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